Don’t Get Blindsided By Those Sneaky B Players

I have a theory. There are 3 kinds of players - A, B and C. 

“A” players want to play with other A players. They know working with people as good or better than they are, will only bring out the best in them. They are not threatened by strength, talent, or skill. 

B players want to look like A players and they want all the perks, rewards and recognition that A players get, but they don’t want to do the work. They like working with C players because comparatively, C players make them look like A players. 

C players don’t care. (You know who I’m talking about)

My client is unequivocally an A player. If you are reading this, I would bet 10 million dollars you are an A player. 

And here’s what I know about you.

You are conscientious, hardworking, and  frequently set the pace for others. You value autonomy but are able to ask for help or collaborate when needed. You treat people with respect and expect others to pull their weight. You are honest, accountable and grow from your mistakes.

You get annoyed when goals or deadlines constantly get moved around. You try to distance yourself from C players because working with them frequently drains you. In fact, you’d almost rather do it yourself than have to deal with a C player. 

I also know your biggest threat is the B player. 

The B player does not like that your fire is blazing but they are smart enough to know they have to “appear” to.  It’s the B player that will bring you down, hold you back, cause misunderstandings and possibly damage your reputation. You’ve worked too hard to get blindsided by a B player. 

Do you have a B player in your life? 

Let’s talk. Schedule your free consultation now.

Claire Pearson

Award winning life & business coach for executives, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders. Free consultations available and encouraged.


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