Hi, I’m Claire Pearson
You don’t know me…. but I know you. You’re the kind of person who does everything for everyone. But who supports you?
I can. And I will.
Want to hear my story? Keep reading below…

My life was good on paper… but something was still missing.
My passion lived in the backseat of my life.
I did everything right. I was the breadwinner of my family, a c-suite executive, a wife, and a mother. But I still felt lost… like I missed my life’s calling and had peaked in the corporate world.
I thought that putting my happiness first would cause financial struggles or take away from my children or my husband.
I found myself lying awake at night wondering if I’d ever get off this hamster wheel of life. I realized I had lost my joy somewhere along the way.

I was living someone else’s life.
After years of depression, skin breakouts, weight gain, and a general sense of blah… I knew I had to look deeper into the source of my own unhappiness.
Sure, on the outside I had it all. A successful career, a great family, financial stability…
But behind closed doors, I was in a crumbling marriage, I was suffering from severe anxiety and migraines, and my life revolved around making everyone happy but ME.
It dawned on me that I was exactly where I was in life because my life wasn’t really about me. I had made it about what I thought was expected of me.
But doing what was expected did not make me happy.
For instance:
*I gave up my dream of becoming a musician after college because I felt pressure to get a “real job”.
*I stayed in an unhappy marriage because I was afraid to get divorced, what would my church friends say, how would my kids be impacted?
*I was unable to make time for self-care or hobbies because I “had to work”
*I lost valuable friendships because at the end of a long day or week, I just didn’t feel like doing anything.
I was a woman in my mid-thirties who had absolutely no idea what my passion in life really was and honestly, didn’t believe I deserved to pursue it even if I did.
But, I was sick and tired of not being happy…
Have a corporate executive salary, a stay-at-home mom lifestyle, and rockstar fun.
One day, I thought long and hard about my core values. The things that really mattered to me… and the life I wanted to live.
Somehow, these words ended up on my paper. “Have a corporate executive salary, stay-at-home mom lifestyle, and rockstar fun.”
To this day, those very words serve as the mantra I live my life by.
And because of it, amazing things have happened.
I quit my job. Got divorced. Formed a musical duo called The Ormewoods. Bought a restaurant in Atlanta. Started my own coaching practice. Fell in love again and remarried. Became the Chief Wellness Officer for the Metabolic Webstore. Became a Reiki Master. Became a Master Practitioner of NLP. And, started growing my own food in my organic vegetable and flower garden.
When I started living my life for me, I found my joy again. Now I want to help you find yours.

Let’s find your FUN together.
I believe that your life is just like your fingerprint… It should be unique to you. When you know what really makes you HAPPY and you arrange your life to fit those needs - you can move mountains. Let me help you fall back in love with your life.