Looking for Accountability?
My most popular coaching service for both life and business coaching clients is my Accountability Coaching Program or ACP.
If you know what you want but find yourself struggling to find the motivation day in and day out to keep your dreams alive - I can help. I understand first hand the difficulty of bringing an idea into the world and I know (more than I care to admit) that sometimes life gets in the way. But remember,
Your dreams are my job!
I’m here to make sure you stay on task and on target even when it gets hard. And I’m also here to celebrate with you as your vision begins to take shape!
Here’s How it Works
We meet each week either by phone/zoom for 30 minutes to define your goals, determine the next logical steps, and set an achievable goal for the next week.
Sometimes clients tell me (with a hint of guilt), “I did all the work last night at 2 am because I knew I was going to speak to you!” and I say, “Good!”
Because that’s the point.
If you hadn’t had the appointment with me, you might have procrastinated (delaying your success) or worse, completely forgot about that fabulous idea you had last week (and guaranteed failure). You wouldn’t have done ANY work to advance your dreams. But because of our appointment - YOU DID!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step…. Chinese Proverb
Are you ready to take your next step toward success? If so,

I don’t sell time. I sell transformation.
Your transformation.
You are unique. Your passions, dreams, talents, work ethic, finances, family support, available time and past successes or failures all play into what you need. And I meet you where you are.
There’s absolutely NO REPLACEMENT for one-on-one coaching.
There are very few coaches out there who have my unique combination of experiences. I have owned and led multiple small and large businesses, monetized my hobbies and developed my intuitive gifts by becoming a Reiki Master, Certified Sound Healer, Master Practitioner of NLP, and teacher of A Course in Miracles. I offer you business savvy, creative vision and spiritual grounding.
And I offer free consultations….

Get Started.
Ready to show up for yourself?