Climbing the Mountain
“High on a mountain top
We live, we love, and we laugh a lot
Folks up here know what they got
High on a mountain top” - Loretta Lynn
I talk a lot about mountaintops in my coaching practice.
Because every time you climb a mountain, you get a new view. You can see things you never could before when the big mountain was in your way. But once you make it to the top, you get a whole new perspective.
Once on top, you can decide whether to stay put or not. For some people, climbing one mountain is enough.
But it might be that once you get to the top, you see something you’ve never seen before that looks interesting and you decide to explore it. So off you go, down the mountain you just worked so hard to climb, into a valley, forging a new path along the way until you reach your new destination.
So tell me, can I help you climb your mountain? Can I help you enjoy the view where you are? Or can I help you pivot and move forward?
I sure would love to. Schedule a free consultation now and let’s make this happen.
You are a badass,
Claire “Sherpa” Pearson